Improving Technical Capacity for Agricultural Statistics System and Database Management
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Department of Planning and Statistics
10. Support to Cambodia Industrial Development Policy |
Does this Project support to the implementation of the Cambodia Industrial Development Policy?
12. PROJECT LOCATION: (Describe the location of the project and its components.) |
13. PROJECT OBJECTIVE: (Describe the major purpose of the project.) |
1. Activities 1: Capacity building for statistical staff (TOT Training Program)
Capability building of statistical staff is important. Capacity of central, PDA and district offices is also still limited mainly due to lack of resources and trained staff. This training program will be focused on methodologies for data collecting, analyzing and reporting on crop production situation and this will be improving the technical capacity of the central and provincial staff.
Main aim of this TOT training program is to develop basic skills of provincial and district staff in data collection tools. This training is essential for: a) development of skills of statistical staff in statistical principles; b) upgrading the skills of provincial and district staff in technicality of sample surveys; c) improvement in statistical presentation and analysis skills of the participants.
Criteria of selection of trainees are: i) involved in district-level sample survey work; ii) involved in planning and statistics work; iii) work experience of more than 4 years; iv) have training gap in statistical use; and v) involvement in marketing. In the above line, district staff has been selected for the training. Two staff from each district in the 8 provinces will participate as trainees. Four staff members of each PDA will also participate on full-time basis.
TOT Training Program: The TOT training will be conducted at the central level and it will be of 5 days' duration in each course (one course per year). Proposed composition of the training participants is 15 participants for each course (Central staff + 5 Provincial Supervisor). These courses will be proposed for overseas, in China.
Further Training Courses for Provincial & District Staff: The further training courses will be also conducted at the provincial level for 5 day’s duration with one course per year. The number of the participants is 80 people (2 participants from each district in the province) from 5 provinces per year will be attending this training.
2. Activities 2: Database Management System and Network
The proposed activities will be built up the database management through the computer network system made for organizing, analyzing and modifying the information stored in a database. In the central office of statistics office will be implemented to built up database system and connect to 25 provinces. The training capacity for province staff to using this equipment required.
The project wants to bring the data of an organization to the users of that data. The system which manages data resources should be easily accessible to the people within an organization – making the data available when and where it is needed, and in the manner and form in which it is needed. The project refers to both the data and the database management system which delivers the data. The functions make the database available to users: defining and creating a database, and getting data in and out of a database. These are the direct functions performed and should accommodate diversity in the data stored.
14. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: (Provide a description of the project and all its components.) |
The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) has regarded the agricultural sector as high priority in its national development agenda. The Rectangular Strategy-III of the Royal Government of Cambodia clearly defined the enhancement of agriculture sector as the dynamic element for accelerating the economic growth and poverty reduction by focusing on the improvement of agricultural productivity, diversification, commercialization, livestock & aquaculture development, land reform and forestry & fisheries reform programme. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) has formulated its action programmes for agricultural development in line with this strategy.
In order to improve more agricultural production, the strengthening of capacity for supporting service is one of the key elements that the RGC wishes to accelerate and required the resources to efficiently and successfully implement action programs. However, the development for agriculture is still needed the series sets of the country level data and information in order to formulate proper development planning as well as for monitoring & evaluation of agricultural and rural development. For monitoring and evaluation purpose, MAFF needed a sound accurate statistical data and this data would be used in policy making process.
The proposed project intends to use the existing statistical system along with the technical staff working at the central, provincial & district level in order to build up technical capacities and formulate series of agricultural statistics and data generated from the surveys for agricultural and rural development planning as well as policy formulation.
Issues and Problems to be solved:
It is agreed that sufficiency and accuracy of the statistical data is very important for the policy makers and concerned stakeholders in developing agriculture sector. The absence of reliable data leaves them no choice other than guest estimates according to their own common sense or convenience. This resulted in poor planning and decision making, and thus not achieving targeted production and development. It is therefore very important that the technical cooperation assistance from China needed to bring about new technical ideas as well as the improvement of statistical data management to improve the current statistical data system.
The constraints and problems faced in this area are found as follows:
• Insufficiency of statistical data for policy makers to formulate agriculture and rural development: For policy planning purpose, detail data at national level are needed to define policy for the benefit of the rural people, for food security and poverty reduction. There has been the demand for data and information that required by the policy makers as well as developers, planners to properly plan and formulate the agricultural and rural development. The information and data needed is in regarding the production data, costing of fruit & vegetable crops, etc. There has been found that the planners faced difficulties in lacking of these data and information to formulate properly the development programming. The development activities may not meet country requirements and needs because of the insufficiency of these date and information. Therefore, it is very important to have these in place to facilitate the process of policy & program formulation.
• Limited technical capacity for generating agricultural statistical data and information: The agricultural statistics, especially statistics system and capacity on data collection, are not sufficiently produced because of the technical capacity of the statistic staff are limited and followed by the insufficiency of equipment and other means to generate the agricultural statistics. The strengthening of staff capacity in regards to the technical application for data collection, compilation, analysis and dissemination of the statistical data and information would be highly required to accelerate the agricultural and rural development.
15. PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: (Give reasons why this particular project is considered worthwhile.) |
The overall goal of the proposed project is to increase agricultural productivity through the improvement of agricultural sectors especially statistical and network system which resulted in proper policy and programme formulation based on accurate agricultural statistical data and information and increasing public investment. |
16. BENEFITS (Who will benefit, directly and indirectly, from the project?) |
Output 1: The technical capacity of the statistical staff of the Department of Planning and Statistics as well as Provincial Department of Agriculture (PDA) in the target provinces improved and they would be able to transfer their technical knowledge to the grass-root statistic staff for generating accurate agricultural statistics. At the end of the project implementation, the technical statistical staff working in PDA and district statistical staff in target provinces built up their technical capacities.
Output 2: The Database Management System and Network of the Department of Planning and Statistics particular as agriculture statistics unit at central and Provincial Department of Agriculture (PDA) to improve and manage data collection through checking quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC), then communicate by network for the whole country. At the end of the project implementation, the agricultural statistics system will build up the network from central to 25 provinces.
Is a "Feasibility Study " for the Project requied?
If YES, has it been carried out?
18. SOCIAL & ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: (Briefly describe the effects of the project, if any, on the people and the surrounding environment. Will the project assist in alleviating poverty?) |
a. Is any activity or output of the project related to Climate Change?
b. How is the project relevant to Climate Change?
Please select a Climate Change related sector of the project and fill up the contribution of the climate change related expenditure compared to the total project cost.
Climate Change-Related Sector
Climate Change Relevance
Is any activity or output of the project related to Disaster Risk Reduction?
21. GENDER ANALYSIS: (How does the project affect the roles of the men and women in the project area? Will women be actively involved in the implementation of the project?) |
22. CAPACITY TO IMPLEMENT: (Does the Ministry have the skills and experience required to implement the project?) |
23. STATUS OF PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: (Provide a brief update on the progress of the project to date. Discuss any major problems causing delays in project implementation.) |
Training on agricultural statistics for the Provinces and district staff will be covered for the country. Main aim of this training is to develop basic skills of district staff in statistical tools. This training is essential for: a) development of skills of statistical staff in statistical principles; b) upgrading the skills of provincial and district staff in technicality of sample surveys; c) improvement in statistical presentation and analysis skills of the participants.
The first step of this proposal will be set up the database system network on 15 provinces target. The project will be continuous to set up database system network for the rest of 10 provinces during the five year project implementation.
(Please indicates the priority ranking of the project decided by the ministry/agency.)
25. DONOR INVOLVEMENT: (Provide any information on current or potential donor involvement in the project.) |
Proposed for Technical Cooperation from People’s Republic of China |
26. REFERENCE: (Please upload the project documents, MOU, or agreements with funding agencies including MEF.) |
Part B: Project Costs and Funding Sources
( In US$’000 )